
Save up to 69%

Talk is cheap with these special credit card memberships...

Guys Call 1300 977 400

  • 1. The Quick Chat

    Get 30 engaging minutes for only $45 GST ex (that's a low $1.50 per minute)

  • 2. The Conversation

    Get 60 minutes of sparkling conversation for only $75 GST ex (that's a really low $1.25 per minute)

  • 3. The Phone-gasm

    Get 110 mind-blowing minutes for only $121 GST ex (that's crazy low $1.10 per minute)

  • 4. The Talkathon

    Get 200 truly memorable minutes for only $190 GST ex (that's a ridiculously low 95 cents per minute)


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Here’s what makes the Telecafe the…

Best Chat Lines Australia

When you want to experience the most amazing chat you could possibly imagine, simply pick up the phone and call the Telecafe. It’s just that simple.

When you come to the Café, you’ll meet the most exciting and genuine girls in town. Best yet, they came here just to talk to you. You see, girls always chat free in the Café. This, combined with great connections and the fact that we draw tons of polite, quality guys like you, is practically irresistible to the hottest, most genuine – and exciting girls around.

Not only are you going to meet some sensational women, you can also save a fortune when you want to chat with them. Just click on the links above to check out our incredible money-saving credit card membership plans.

With the “Talkathon” plan you can save up to 69%. That’s more than three times the chatting for the same cost as the 1 900 number. And you can use your membership minutes over many, many exciting often “explosive” sessions.

The Café is a safe, extremely discreet place for lovely ladies to talk to strangers online and experience their wildest telephone fantasies. And when they get here, they’re often eager to do just that All you need to do is encourage them a little and help them along the way. Do this well and you’ll have a “blast” yourself.

That’s just part of why the Telecafe has the best chat lines Australia.