Select and call the number from the state you are calling from:
Set up your voicemailbox
Your name
The state you’re calling from
What your hobbies are
And what type of partner you’re looking for
It’s important to update your introduction regularly and keep it fresh, especially if you’ve had a change in your life like location or relationship status. You are free to change your introductions as many times as you like
Have a pen and paper handy to write down your Voicemail box number and Pin number, so you can access your voicemail box to check in on your voicemail messages from all the hot guys on Telecafe Phone Chat who have left you a message and want to connect with you.
Don’t forget keep you voicemailbox number and Pin safe so you can always come back and check on your messages, the Telecafe is always open 24/7 everyday of the week and year.
Don’t forget if someone leaves you a voicemail message in your voicemail box, send them a response and let them know if you’re interested.
Don’t forget Safety comes first so it’s best not to give people any personal details like your surname, exact location, or phone number or even your voicemail box number unless you’re sure you want to.
Remember Telecafe Phone Chat is a lot of fun and allows you’re to connect and talk to guys in your local area, city, state, and even across Australia.
Call Telecafe Phone Chat today and start flirting and have some fun…
If you have any issues whilst on the service don’t forget you can always call Customer Service Mondays to Friday from 9am to 5pm EST on 1300 399 333
Nothing beats a hot steamy chat session to meet Women with one of Australia’s hottest, most genuine girls. Since girls don’t have to pay to chat on the Telecafe, they all come here for their flirty, steamy, or outrageously sexy private chats.
They know that our phone chat is completely safe and private and this allows them to really let their hair down and explore some of their wildest fantasies in a completely uninhibited way.
Once you meet Women you will experience one of these kinds of chats, you’ll never again want to use one of those impersonal internet systems where you’re not even sure whether the other person is talking to you or doing something else. On the Telecafe, real people are fully engaged to meet Women in hot one-on-one conversation.
Chat line Tips: For the fastest way to your exciting chat (and to make sure you present yourself in the best way to the girls) watch the step-by-step videos above. Recording a short, interesting introduction will result in a lot more of the girls you invite accepting your invitation. Remember to be polite and sound like someone they’d enjoy chatting with.
It can be tough to meet the right women. The same goes for online dating sites. You need to be careful about which ones you join, as some are better than others. telecafe is the top online dating sites that you should join if you're looking to meet women of your dreams. It has a large user base, and you're likely to find someone who interests you if you join. You can search by location or interest, and you can browse profiles or send messages to people you're interested in.
Once you get into a private chat with one of the girls, feel free to steer the conversation in the direction you’d like, but try to be sensitive to her feelings as well. That way you’ll both have an amazing experience. Our experienced moderators ensure that the chat rooms are free of spam and inappropriate content, making it a reliable and trustworthy option for adults seeking companionship.
Remember, when you think of phone chat Australia, think of the Telecafe! We are a online dating site that specializes in connecting people with similar interests And with our female free chat lines, it's easy to find women who meet your specific criteria. So if you're ready to meet women online, sign up for today!
Grab your credit card and call Telecafe in your state NOW…